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Verification Resource

Entity: verification

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoints
verificationIdlongUnique identifier for the verification request.POST verification
GET verification
PUT verification
providerAccountIdlongUnique identifier for the provider account.POST verification
GET verification
PUT verification
accountIdlongUnique identifier for the account.POST verification
GET verification
PUT verification
verificationDatedateTimeThe date of the account verification.POST verification
GET verification
PUT verification
verificationStatusstringThe status of the account verification.
Valid Values: Verification Status
POST verification
GET verification
PUT verification
verificationTypestringThe account verification type.
Valid Values: Verification Type
POST verification
GET verification
PUT verification
reason stringThe reason the account verification failed.
Valid Values: Verification Reason
POST verification
GET verification
PUT verification
remainingAttemptslongThe number of attempts left to complete the challenge deposit verification process.GET verification
additionalMessagestringThe additional information of the account verification status.GET verification

Enum: Verification Type

CHALLENGE_DEPOSIT Verification performed using the transactions deposited to the account.
Note: The challenge deposit verification is available only in the United States.
MATCHINGVerification performed by matching the account holder names found on accounts held at the financial institution and account holder names provided during user registration.

Enum: Verification Status

INITIATEDThe account verification process is initiated.
DEPOSITEDThe micro-deposits and debits for the CDV process are successfully sent to the ODFI to be posted to the consumer's account.
FAILED The consumer's account verification has failed.
SUCCESSThe consumer's account verification is successful.

Enum: Verification Reason

Verification ReasonApplicable Verification TypeDescription
DATA_NOT_AVAILABLEMATCHINGThe account holder’s name-related details are not available at the FI site.
ACCOUNT_HOLDER_MISMATCHMATCHINGThe account verification process has failed due to the account holder’s data mismatch.
MATCHINGThe account verification process has failed as the full account number and bank transfer code are not available.
MATCHINGThe account verification process has failed as the full account number is not available.
MATCHINGThe account verification process has failed as the bank transfer code is not available.
EXPIREDCHALLENGE_DEPOSITThe time limit to verify the microtransaction details has expired.
DATA_MISMATCHCHALLENGE_DEPOSITThe account verification process has failed due to a data mismatch.
INSTRUCTION_GENERATION_ERRORCHALLENGE_DEPOSITDue to technical issues, Yodlee could not post the microtransactions in the user's account.

Note: The MATCHING verification type applies only to FastLink 3 customers.