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Holdings Securities Resources

Entity: securities

Attribute Name Container Type Description
style investment string Classification of the security style.
issueTypeMultiplier investment decimal Price units corresponding to the security style. This is used to derive the security's actual price from the market value.
agencyFactor investment decimal Agency factor of the security. For example, 0.1340, 0.8894, 1.2733, etc.
shareClass investment string Share (Instrument) class of the security. For example, Fund.
cdscFundFlag investment Boolean The CDSC fund flag of the security.
fundFamily investment string Mutual fund family name.
closedFlag investment Boolean True: Closed for all investors; False: Open to all investors.
sAndPRating investment string Unique identifier for S&P rating on the Envestnet platform.
moodyRating investment string Unique identifier for Moody rating on the Envestnet platform.
firmEligible investment string 1 - Indicates eligible, 0 - Indicates firm is not eligible.
issueDate investment date Issue date of the security.
maturityDate investment date The maturity date of the security.
callDate investment date Next call date of the security.
callPrice investment decimal Next call price of the security.
sector investment string Identifier of the sector to which the security belongs.
subSector investment string GICS sector ID to which the security belongs. For example, Health Care, Financials, Materials, etc.
lastModifiedDate investment date The last updated date of the security.
interestRate investment decimal The rate of interest paid annually expressed as a percentage of the bond's par or face value.
accrualMethod investment string The method by which interest is accrued or earned. For example, 30, 360, etc.
stateTaxable investment Boolean The state in which the security is taxed.
federalTaxable investment Boolean Flag indicating federal taxable.
tradeCurrencyCode investment string ISO 4217 currency code indicates the security's trading currency.
frequency investment integer Coupon frequency.
firstCouponDate investment date First coupon date of the security.
lastCouponDate investment date Last coupon date of the security.
minimumPurchase investment integer Minimum purchase of the security.
incomeCurrency investment string ISO 4217 currency code indicates the security's income currency.
isDummySecurity investment Boolean Indicates whether the security is dummy security.
isSyntheticSecurity investment Boolean Indicates whether the security is simulated security.
sedol investment string The Stock Exchange Daily Official List (SEDOL) is a set of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes.
Note: The SEDOL field only applies to trade-related transactions.
type investment string Indicates the type of security like stocks, mutual fund, etc. 
description investment string The description (name) of the security. For example, Cisco Systems.
isEnvestnetDummySecurity investment Boolean Flag indicating dummy security.
gicsSector investment string GICS Sector is a categorization the S&P assigns to all publically traded companies. 
cusip investment string A CUSIP is a nine-character alphanumeric code that identifies North American financial security for the purposes of facilitating the clearing and settlement of trades.
isin investment string The International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is used worldwide to identify specific securities. It is equivalent to CUSIP for international markets.
id investment long The unique identifier of the security.