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Holdings Resource

Entity: holdings

Attribute Name Container Type Description Endpoints
id investment
long Unique identifier for the security added in the system. This is the primary key of the holding resource. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
accountId  investment
long Unique identifier of the account to which the security is linked. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
costBasis  investment money In a one-off security purchase, the cost basis is the quantity acquired multiplied by the price paid per unit plus any commission. In the event the same position is acquired in different lots on different days at different prices, the sum total of the cost incurred is divided by the total units acquired to arrive at the average cost basis. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
cusipNumber  investment string The CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) identifies most financial instruments in the United States and Canada. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
description  investment
string The description (name) for the holding (e.g., Cisco Systems)
For the insurance container, the field only applies to the insurance annuity and variable life insurance types. 
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
enrichedDescription  investment
string The enriched description provides meaningful information about the identified security. GET holdings
GET derived/holdingSummary
GET dataExtracts/userData
holdingType investment
string Indicates the type of security like stocks, mutual funds, etc. The list of supported holding types is provided in GET holdings/holdingTypeList. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
price  investment
money The current price of the security.
Note: For bonds, the price field indicates the normalized price, not the price aggregated from the site. For the insurance container, the field applies only to the insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
quantity  investment
decimal The quantity held for the holding.
Note: For bonds, the quantity field indicates the normalized quantity, not the quantity aggregated from the site. The quantity field applies to all holding types except restricted stock units/awards, performance units, currency, and commodity.
For the insurance container, the field applies only to insurance annuity and variable life insurance types.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
isin investment string The ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is used worldwide to identify specific securities. It is equivalent to CUSIP for international markets.
Note: The ISIN field only applies to trade-related transactions
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
sedol investment string The SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List) is a set of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for trade clearing purposes.
Note: The SEDOL field applies only to trade-related transactions
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
isShort investment boolean Indicates that the holding is a short trade GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
symbol  investment string The symbol of security. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
unvestedQuantity investment decimal Indicates the number of unvested units.
Note: The unvested quantity field applies only to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
unvestedValue  investment money Indicates the estimated market value of the unvested units.
Note: FIs usually calculate the unvested value as the market price of the unvested quantity. The unvested value field only applies to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
value  investment
money The total market value of the security. For the insurance container, the field only applies to insurance annuity and variable life insurance types. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
vestedQuantity  investment decimal The number of units or shares that are already vested in a vesting date.
Note: The vested quantity field only applies to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
vestedSharesExercisable  investment decimal The number of vested shares that can be exercised by the employee. It is usually equal to the vested quantity.
Note: The vested shares exercisable field only applies to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
vestedValue  investment money Indicates the estimated market value of the vested units.
Note: FIs usually calculate the vested value as the market price vested quantity. The vested value field only applies to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
vestingDate  investment date The date on which RSU, RSA, or employee stock options become vested.
Note: The vesting date field only applies to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
contractQuantity  investment decimal The number of tradeable units in a contract.
Note: The contract quantity field only applies to commodities and currencies.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
couponRate  investment decimal The stated interest rate for a bond. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
exercisedQuantity  investment decimal The quantity of the employee stock options that are already exercised or bought by the employee.
Note: Once the employee stock options are exercised, they are either converted to a cash value or equity position, depending on the financial institution. The exercised quantity field only applies to employee stock options.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
expirationDate  investment date The date on which an option, right, or warrant expires.
Note: The expiration date field only applies to options and employee stock options.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
grantDate  investment date The date on which equity awards like ESOP, RSU, etc., are issued or granted.
Note: The grant date field only applies to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
interestRate  investment decimal The interest rate on a CD.
Note: The interest rate field only applies to CDs.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
maturityDate  investment date The stated maturity date of a bond or CD. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
optionType  investment string The type of the option position (i.e., put or call).
Note: The optionType field only applies to options. Yodlee recommends you use securityType instead of optionType as this field will be deprecated in the future.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
spread  investment money The difference between the current market value of a stock and the strike price of the employee stock option when the market value of the shares is greater than the stock price.
Note: The spread field only applies to employee stock options.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
strikePrice  investment money The strike (exercise) price for the option position.
Note: The strike price field only applies to options and employee stock options.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
term  investment string The fixed duration for which the bond or CD is issued. This period adheres to period ISO standards. For example, P60M, P2016Y7M7D, etc.
Note: The term field only applies to CDs.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
providerAccountId  investment
long Unique identifier for the user’s association with the provider. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
securityType  investment
string Indicates the security types of the holding identified through the security service.
For the list of security types , click here.
GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
securityStyle  investment
string The investment approach of the security. This value is derived from various vendor security data and is essential for the fund managers to manage the assets. GET holdings
GET derived/holdingSummary
GET dataExtracts/userData
matchStatus  investment string Indicates the security match status ID of the investment option identified during security normalization. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
accruedInterest  investment money The accrued interest of the holding. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
accruedIncome  investment money The accruedIncome of the holding. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
assetClassification investment entity [] Asset classification applied to the holding.  GET holdings
createdDate investment, insurance dateTime The date on which the holding was created in the Yodlee system. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData
lastUpdated investment, insurance dateTime The date on which the information was last updated in the system. GET holdings
GET dataExtracts/userData

Entity: assetClassification

Attribute Name Container Type Description Endpoints
classificationType  investment string The type of classification to which the investment belongs (assetClass, country, sector, and style).
Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature
GET holdings
classificationValue investment string The value for each classificationType.
Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature
GET holdings
allocation  investment decimal The allocation percentage of the holding.
Required Feature Enablement: Asset classification feature
GET holdings

Enums: holdingOptionType

Option Type  Description
call An option to buy assets at an agreed price on or before a particular date.
put An option to sell assets at an agreed price on or before a particular date.
unknown Any holding option type that is not classified as a put or a call option.

List of Security Types

The following security types are not enum:

Security Type  Description
MUTUAL_FUND Professionally managed investment funds that pool money from many investors to purchase securities.
COMMON_STOCK Common stock is a form of corporate equity ownership, a type of security.
EXCHANGE_TRADED_FUND Exchange traded fund is a basket of securities that trade on an exchange, just like stocks.
MONEY_MARKET_FUND Open-ended mutual fund that invests in short-term debt securities.
ANNUITY_FUND Long-term investment issued by an insurance company to protect from the risk of outliving income.
MUNICIPAL_BOND Debt security issued by a state, municipality, or county to finance its capital expenditures.
CERTIFICATE_OF_DEPOSIT A financial product commonly sold by banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions.
CLOSED_END_FUND Collective investment model based on issuing a fixed number of shares that are not redeemable from the fund.
AGENCY_BOND A bond issued by a United States government-sponsored agency or federal budget agency.
PREFERRED_STOCK Class of ownership that has a higher claim on assets and earnings than common stock.
PEER_TO_PEER_LOAN Practice of lending money to individuals or businesses through online services that match lenders with borrowers.
TIPS Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities.
PUT_OPTION Put option is a type of options contract.
MORTGAGE_BACKED_SECURITY Investment similar to a bond that is made up of a bundle of home loans bought from the banks that issued them.
OTHER Any security that doesn’t classify the security type listed here.
RESTRICTED_STOCK_UNIT The stock of a company that is not fully transferable until certain conditions have been met.
CORPORATE_BOND Debt security that is issued by a firm and sold to investors.
LIMITED_PARTNERSHIP A partnership consisting of a general partner who manages the business and has unlimited personal liability for the debts and obligations.
VARIABLE_ANNUITY A tax-deferred retirement vehicle that allows choosing from the selection of investments and then pays a level of income after retirement.
CURRENCY Money in any form when in use or circulation as a medium of exchange, especially circulating banknotes and coins.
WARRANT A long-term security that entitles one to buy a stock at a given price by a certain date.
UNIT_INVESTMENT_TRUST An investment company that offers a fixed portfolio as a redeemable unit to investors for a specific period of time.
EMPLOYEE_STOCK_OPTION compensation contracts between an employer and an employee that carries some characteristics of financial options.
GOVERNMENT_BOND Debt security issued by a government to support government spending and obligations.
CASH Cash is money in the form of currency, which includes all bills, coins, and currency notes.
COMMODITY A basic good used in commerce that is interchangeable with other goods of the same type.
FOREIGN_BOND A bond issued in a domestic market by a foreign entity in the domestic market's currency.
RIGHT Rights issue is an invitation to existing shareholders to purchase additional new shares in the company.
CALL_OPTION Call option is a type of Options contract.
FUTURE_CONTRACT An agreement to buy or sell a particular commodity asset or security at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future.
US_TREASURY Government debt securities issued by the U.S. Federal government have maturities greater than 20 years.
CONVERTIBLE_PREFERRED A type of preferred stock that allows holders to convert their preferred shares into common shares.
CONVERTIBLE_BONDS A fixed-income corporate debt security that yields interest payments but can be converted into a predetermined number of common stocks or equity shares.
ASSET_BACKED_SECURITIES A security where the collateralized value is derived by a specified pool of underlying assets.
COLLATERALIZED_MORTGAGE_OBLIGATION A type of mortgage-backed security that contains a pool of mortgages bundled together and sold as an investment.