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Provider Accounts Resource

Entity: providerAccount

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoints
idlongUnique identifier for the provider account resource. This is created during account addition.GET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
providerIdlongUnique identifier for the provider resource. This denotes the provider for which the provider account id is generated by the user.GET providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
aggregationSource stringThe source through which the providerAccount is added in the system.
Valid Values: Provider Account Aggregation Source
GET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
isManualbooleanIndicates whether the account is a manual or aggregated provider account.GET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
createdDate dateTimeIndicates the date and time when the provider account is created in the system.GET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
loginFormentity[]This entity gets returned in the response for only MFA-based provider accounts during the add/update account polling process. This indicates that the MFA information is expected from the user to complete the process. This represents the structure of the MFA form that is displayed to the user on the provider site.GET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
requestIdstringUnique ID generated to indicate the request.POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
statusstringThe status of the last update attempted for the account.
Valid Values: Provider Account Status
GET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
datasetentity[]Logical grouping of dataset attributes into datasets such as Basic Aggregation Data, Account Profile and Document.GET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
profileentity[]Available for the PII related data like address, name, phoneNumber, identifier, and email.GET providerAccounts/profile
preferencesentityThe preference set for the provider account.GET providerAccounts?include=preferences
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId} include=preferences
isDeletedbooleanIndicates if the provider account is deleted from the system.GET dataExtracts/userData
consentIdlongA unique identifier of the user's consent to share the account data with an application provider.
Additional Details: This field applies only to the Open Banking-supported data providers.
GET providerAccounts
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
oauthMigrationStatusstringIndicates the migration status of the account from the credential-based provider to the Open Banking provider.
Valid Values: Migration Status
GET providerAccounts
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
destinationProviderAccountId longThe provider account ID that is retained after the Open Banking data migration when two or more source provider account IDs are merged into one.
Additional Details: This field applies only to the Open Banking feature.
GET dataExtracts/userData
sourceProviderAccountIdsentityThe two or more source provider account IDs that get merged into one provider account ID after the Open Banking data migration.
Additional Details: This field applies only to the Open Banking feature.
GET dataExtracts/userData

Entity: dataset

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoints
namestringThe name of the dataset requested from the provider site.
Valid Values: Dataset Name
GET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
additionalStatusstringThe status of the last update attempted for the dataset.
Valid Values: Dataset Additional Statuses
GET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
updateEligibilitystringIndicate whether the dataset is eligible for update or not.
Valid Values: Update Eligibility Status
GET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
lastUpdateddateTimeIndicates the time when the dataset is last updated successfully for the given provider accountGET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
lastUpdateAttemptdateTimeIndicates the time when the dataset is last attempted for the given provider account.GET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
nextUpdateScheduled dateTimeIndicates when the next attempt to update the dataset is scheduled.GET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData
additionalStatusErrorCodestringThe status error code of the last update attempted for the dataset.GET providerAccounts
POST providerAccounts
PUT providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET dataExtracts/userData

Entity: profile

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoints
addressaddress[]Address of the provider account holder. This will be the address available on the provider's profile page.GET providerAccounts/profile
namename[]Name of the provider account holder.GET providerAccounts/profile
phoneNumberphoneNumber[]phone number of the provider account holder.GET providerAccounts/profile
identifieridentifier[]Identifiers of the provider account holder.GET providerAccounts/profile
email email[]Email Id of the provider account holder.GET providerAccounts/profile
genderstringGender of the provider account holder.GET providerAccounts/profile

Entity: loginForm

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoints
idlongThe identifier of the login form.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET provider/{ProviderId}
forgetPasswordURLstringThe forget password URL of the provider site.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET provider/{ProviderId}
formTypestringThe type of the forms on which the user information is required.
Valid Value: Login Form Types
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET provider/{ProviderId}
help stringThe help that can be displayed to the customer in the login form.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET provider/{ProviderId}
rowentity[]This indicates one row in the form. It will have one label, and it may have single or multiple fields.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET provider/{ProviderId}
mfaInfoTitlestringThe title for the MFA information is demanded from the user. This is the title displayed on the provider site. This field is applicable to MFA form types only.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
mfaInfoTextstringThe text displayed in the provider site while requesting the MFA information from the user.  This field is applicable to MFA form types only.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
mfaTimeout longThe time out before which the user is expected to provide MFA information. This field is applicable to MFA form types only. This would be useful information that could be displayed to the users.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
isValueProvidedbooleanThis indicates that the answer to the security question already exists in the Yodlee system. Persuading the user to provide the answer to the security question again during the edit-credential flow can be avoided.GET providerAccounts?include=questions
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}? include=questions

Entity: row

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoints
idlongUnique identifier of the row.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
formstringForm denotes the set of fields that are related. GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
labelstringThe label text is displayed for a row in the form. GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
fieldRowChoice stringFields that belong to a particular choice are clubbed using this field.
Recommendations: All the field row choices label to be grouped and displayed as options to the customer. On choosing a particular choice field, we recommend displaying the fields relevant to them. The first field choice could be selected by default.
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
fieldentity[]Details of fields that belong to the row.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}

Entity: field

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoints
idlongAn identifier for the field.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
namestringName for the field.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
valuestringValue expected from the user for the field. This will be blank and is expected to be filled and sent back while submitting the login or MFA information.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
optionentity[]Provides the different values that are available for the user to choose. This field is applicable for dropdown or radio field types.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
valueEditablebooleanIndicates whether the field is editable or not.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
isOptionalbooleanIndicates if a field is an optional field or a mandatory field.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
typestringIndicates the display type of the field. E.g., text box, image, etc.
Valid Values: Field Types
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
maxLengthintegerThe maximum length of the login form field.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
prefixstringThe prefix string that has to be displayed before the field value.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
suffix stringThe suffix string that has to be displayed next to the field value.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
validationentity[]The validation to be performed on a field.
Additional Details: The validation entity is deprecated due to the low data population rate.
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}

Entity: validation (Deprecated)

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoints
regExp stringThe regular expression provided for a field. This helps customers validate the value entered by the users.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
errorMsgstringThe error message will be thrown if the value does not match the regular expression.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}

Entity: option

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoints
displayTextstringThe text that is displayed to the user for that option in the provider site.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
isSelected booleanThe option that is selected by default in the provider site.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}
optionValuestringThe value that is associated with the option.GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}
GET providers/{providerId}

Entity: preferences

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoints
isDataExtractsEnabledbooleanIndicates if the updates to the provider account should be part of the data extracts event notification or the data extract data retrieval service.GET providerAccounts?include=preferences
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}? include=preferences
isAutoRefreshEnabled booleanIndicates if auto-refreshes have to be triggered for the provider account.GET providerAccounts?include=preferences
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}? include=preferences
linkedProviderAccountIdlongThe open banking providerAccount with which the user’s credential-based providerAccount is linked.
Additional Details: This field is relevant to the Open Banking supported data providers.
GET providerAccounts
GET providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}

Enums: Provider Account Status

LOGIN_IN_PROGRESSLog in to the provider site is in progress.
USER_INPUT_REQUIREDAdditional authentication information is needed from the user.
IN_PROGRESSLogin is successful, and data aggregation is in progress.
PARTIAL_SUCCESSData is partially retrieved.
SUCCESS Data is retrieved successfully.
FAILEDData retrieval has failed.

Enums: Provider Account Aggregation Source

Aggregation SourceDescription
SYSTEM The system creates the provider account while prepopulating accounts.
USERThe provider account is created by the user.

Enums: Dataset Name

BASIC_AGG_DATAIndicates basic aggregation data like accounts, transactions, etc.
ADVANCE_AGG_DATAIndicates advanced aggregation data like interest details, payment details, and coverage.
ACCT_PROFILE Indicates account profile data like full account number, routing number, etc.
DOCUMENTIndicates document data like bank statements, tax documents, etc.

Enums: Update Eligibility Status

ALLOW_UPDATEThe status indicates that the account is eligible for the next update and applies to both MFA and non-MFA accounts. For MFA-based accounts, the user may have to provide the MFA details during account refresh.
ALLOW_UPDATE_WITH_CREDENTIALS The status indicates updating or refreshing the account by directing the user to edit the provided credentials.
DISALLOW_UPDATEThe status indicates the account is not eligible for the update or refresh process due to a site issue or a technical error.

Enums: Dataset Additional Statuses

StatusDescriptionNext Action
LOGIN_IN_PROGRESSLogin to provider site is in progressNot applicable as it is not a final status.
DATA_RETRIEVAL_IN_PROGRESSData aggregation is in progress. Not applicable as it is not a final status.
ACCT_SUMMARY_RECEIVEDBasic account data is retrieved. Not applicable as it is not a final status.
AVAILABLE_DATA_RETRIEVEDAll the data available at the provider site is retrieved for the provided dataset.Not applicable.
PARTIAL_DATA_RETRIEVEDPartial data is retrieved for the dataset.Instruct the user to try again if the mandatory data is missing. If the request fails repeatedly, report the issue to the customer service team.
DATA_RETRIEVAL_FAILEDFailed to retrieve the data due to unexpected issues.Instruct the user to try again later. If the request fails repeatedly, report the issue to the customer service team.
DATA_NOT_AVAILABLEThe requested data or document is not available at the provider site. Instruct the user to check with the respective data provider or provider site. 
ACCOUNT_LOCKEDThe account is locked at the provider site. The user has exceeded the maximum number of incorrect login attempts resulting in the account getting locked.Instruct the user to visit the provider site and take the necessary actions to unlock the account.  
ADDL_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREDAdditional MFA information is needed at the provider site or to download the document. Additional verification is required.Instruct the user to provide the required additional MFA information or verification.
BETA_SITE_DEV_IN_PROGRESSThe site for which the data is requested is in the development or beta stage. Instruct the user to try again later or disable the beta sites. 
CREDENTIALS_UPDATE_NEEDEDUnable to log in to the provider site due to outdated credentials. The site may be prompting the user to change or verify the credentials.  Instruct the user to visit the provider site, perform the required actions, and invoke the edit account flow to update the credentials in the Yodlee system.  
INCORRECT_CREDENTIALSUnable to log in to the provider site due to incorrect credentials. The credentials that the user has provided are incorrect.  Instruct the user to provide the correct credentials by invoking the edit account flow. 
PROPERTY_VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLEThe property value is not available.Instruct the user to provide the property value.
INVALID_ADDL_INFO_PROVIDEDThe user has provided incorrect MFA information, or the MFA information provided has expired. Instruct the user to provide the correct MFA information. 
REQUEST_TIME_OUTThe request has timed out due to technical reasons.Instruct the user to try again later. If the request fails repeatedly, report the issue to the customer service team.
SITE_BLOCKING_ERRORThe Yodlee IP is blocked by the provider site.Instruct the user to try again later. If the request fails repeatedly, report the issue to the customer service team.
UNEXPECTED_SITE_ERRORAll errors indicating issues at the provider site, such as the site being down for maintenance.Instruct the user to try again later. If the request fails repeatedly, report the issue to the customer service team.
SITE_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates that the site does not support the requested data or support is not available to complete the requested action. For example, the site is not available. Document download is not supported at the site, etc.Inform the user about the latest available status. 
SITE_UNAVAILABLEThe provider site is unavailable due to issues such as the site being down for maintenance.Instruct the user to try again later. If the request fails repeatedly, report the issue to the customer service team.
TECH_ERRORIt indicates there is a technical error. Instruct the user to try again later. If the request fails repeatedly, report the issue to the customer service team.
USER_ACTION_NEEDED_AT_SITEThe errors that require users to take action at the provider site, for example, accept T&C, etc.Instruct the user to visit the provider site and perform the necessary action.
SITE_SESSION_INVALIDATEDIndicates if multiple sessions or a session is terminated by the provider site.Instruct the user to try again later.
NEW_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREDThe site has requested OAuth authentication.The OAUTH based authentication sites can be added or updated only using Yodlee FastLink and not Yodlee APIs. Instruct the user to add the account using FastLink.
DATASET_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe requested datasets are not supported.Either get the dataset/attribute enabled or remove the dataset/attribute from the input.
ENROLLMENT_REQUIRED_FOR_DATASETThe dataset cannot be retrieved as the user has not enrolled for it.Instruct the user to enroll for the dataset and then request for it.
CONSENT_REQUIREDConsent is required as the account information is migrated from the credential-based provider to the Open Banking provider site.Invoke the edit account flow and instruct the user to provide consent to access the account information.
CONSENT_EXPIREDThe consent provided by the user to access the account information through Open Banking has expired.Invoke the edit account flow and instruct the user to provide consent to access the account information.
CONSENT_REVOKEDThe user has revoked the consent to access the account information through Open Banking.Invoke the edit account flow and instruct the user to provide consent to access the account information.
INCORRECT_OAUTH_TOKEN Failed to log in to the Open Banking provider site due to incorrect token.Invoke the edit account flow and instruct the user to provide consent to access the account information.
MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESSThe account information is being migrated from the credential-based provider to the Open Banking provider site.Not applicable, as it is not a final status.

Enums: Field Types

textThe field values can be accepted in clear text when the user enters the values.
passwordThe field values should be accepted in a masked form when the user enters the values.
optionsThe field values should be displayed in a dropdown.
checkboxThe field values should be displayed in a checkbox.
radio The field values should be displayed as radio options.
imageThe field values should be displayed as an image

Enums: Login Form Types

Form TypeDescription
login The primary login form is displayed on the provider site.
questionAndAnswerThe form requesting answers for the secret questions from the user during login.
token The form requesting additional token information from the user during login.
imageThe loginform displays CAPTCHA for a user to enter the text during login.

Enums: Migration Status

Migration StatusDescription
TO_BE_MIGRATEDEligible and yet to be migrated to the Open Banking provider.
IN_PROGRESSMigration to the Open Banking provider is in progress.
COMPLETEDSuccessfully migrated to the Open Banking provider.
MIGRATEDIndicates that the data is migrated to the Open Banking provider.
Note: This status is returned only by the GET /dataExtracts/userData API.