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What Are Webhooks?

Webhooks are notifications (HTTP callbacks) to customers that let them know an event has occurred. They can take relevant/useful actions as needed.

Benefits of Webhooks

With webhooks, developers don't have to poll an API every second to know the status of an async process. Instead, Yodlee will keep customers informed about the relevant stages the process has reached.

Webhooks APIs

Customers can use the following webhooks services:

Webhooks Supported Events

Yodlee supports webhooks for the following events:

Event Payload Information

The payload sent to the customer-provided URL has a common structure; the data attribute within the structure varies for every notification event.

The following JSON payload gets posted to the callback URL, and the content type will be application/json:

      <"Data varies from event to event">

Note: loginName is an optional field and is available only for the REFRESH webhooks event.

Best Practices

  • Customers should ensure that they whitelist the Yodlee IP addresses from which the notifications are sent.
  • Customers should ensure that the URL has the default port (HTTPS–443, HTTP–80).

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is webhooks support available for the legacy SOAP and REST APIs? No. Webhooks support is available only for the new RESTful Yodlee APIs.
  2. Is Yodlee webhooks the same as alerts? No. Yodlee webhooks are not alerts. Webhooks are notifications sent to customers and not to users. Customers are expected to take relevant actions as needed.