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Open Banking Consent Events

What is an Open Banking Event?

Our Open Banking (OB) event service allows customers to meet regulatory requirements concerning end-user notifications or to provide other functionality dependent on knowing the state of user consent to collect and use data.

To comply with Subdivision 4.3.5 of the CDR Rules, Australian (AU) OB customers must send notifications “in writing otherwise than through the CDR consumer’s dashboard” to end users whenever consent is granted, amended or revoked (CDR Receipts) as well as ongoing notifications for ongoing consents.

We recommend AU OB customers comply with this requirement by sending an SMS or email to end-users. The rules require that notifications must contain details of the consent, including the requested data, use of the data, time of grant and scheduled expiry, data access frequency, data provider name (e.g., ABC bank), the data recipient name and details of any disclosure consents (such as to trusted advisors or of CDR Insights).

We provide these events to customers of all OB-supported regions. Currently, we do not provide these notifications in PDF format. Events are sent asynchronously after user activity, and a delay of approximately 5 minutes is typical.

Note: OB onboarding must be completed for the relevant OB region prior to subscribing to the events service.

Consent Status Updates Event

The consent status updates event - OB_CONSENT - occurs when consent is created, amended, expired, or revoked. Information from this event can be used to send a CDR Receipt to AU OB end users (see CDR Rules 4.18, 4.18A and 4.18C). Customers from other OB-supported regions can use this information per their business needs.

Event Subscription

Subscribe to the OB_CONSENT event using the Subscribe Event service and provide the callback URL where the notifications have to be posted. This is a one-time activity unless and until there is a change to the URL. Note that only one webhooks URL at a time is supported.

Active Consent Updates Event

The active consent updates event - OB_ACTIVE_CONSENT_REMINDER - notifies that an end-user consent is still active and has been - 90 days for the AU region and other OB-supported regions 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days - since the last notification or relevant user action. This event can be used to trigger an ongoing notification to AU OB customers (see CDR Rules 4.20).

Event Subscription

The subscribe API service allows to subscribe to the OB_ACTIVE_CONSENT_REMINDER event. Provide the callbackUrl and subscription parameters such as obRegion and notifyDurationDays details in the request body.

POST    /configs/notifications/custom/events/OB_ACTIVE_CONSENT_REMINDER

Request Body Parameters:

Attributes Description Mandatory Data Type
callbackUrl URL to which the notification should be posted. Yes String
subscription Object to define the obRegion and notifyDurationDays details. At least one object having both obRegion and notifyDurationDays should be present should be present.

Valid Values:
  • obRegion - US, UK, EU, and AU
  • notifyDurationDays - 30, 60, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180
Yes String

Sample Request Body:


Response Messages:

HTTP Status CodeReason
400Y803: notifyDurationDays is required
400Y803: obRegion is required
400Y800: Invalid value for callbackUrl
400Y800: Invalid value for obRegion
400Y822: AU cannot be requested for number of days other than 90 days
400Y804: Permitted values of notifyDurationDays between 1 – 365
400Y400: Event OB_ACTIVE_CONSENT_REMINDER is already subscribed

Retrieve Event

Use the API to fetch callbackUrl, obRegion, and notifyDurationDays (all regions) details for the OB_ACTIVE_CONSENT_REMINDER event.

GET   /configs/notifications/custom/events/OB_ACTIVE_CONSENT_REMINDER

Sample Response:


Response Messages:

HTTP Status CodeReason
400Y807: Resource not found

Update Event

Use the API to update the callbackUrl and subscription parameters - obRegion, and notifyDurationDays details for the OB_ACTIVE_CONSENT_REMINDER event. If the subscription parameter has having multiple objects (i.e, obRegion and notifyDurationDays) then existing value completely replace with latest provided values in PUT API.

PUT   /configs/notifications/custom/events/OB_ACTIVE_CONSENT_REMINDER

Request Body Parameters:

AttributesDescriptionMandatoryData Type
callbackUrlURL to which the notification should be posted.YesString

Object to define the obRegion and notifyDurationDays details. At least one object having both obRegion and notifyDurationDays should be present should be present.

Valid Values:

  • obRegion - US, UK, EU, and AU
  • notifyDurationDays - 30, 60, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180

Sample Request Body:


Response Messages:

HTTP Status CodeReason
400Y803: notifyDurationDays is required
400Y803: obRegion is required
400Y800: Invalid value for callbackUrl
400Y800: Invalid value for obRegion
400Y822: AU cannot be requested for number of days other than 90 days
400Y804: Permitted values of notifyDurationDays between 1 – 365
400Y400: Event OB_ACTIVE_CONSENT_REMINDER is already subscribed

Unsubscribe Event

Use the API to unsubscribe to the OB_ACTIVE_CONSENT_REMINDER event.

DELETE   /configs/notifications/custom/events/OB_ACTIVE_CONSENT_REMINDER

Response Messages:

HTTP Status CodeReason
400Y807: Resource not found

Event Payload Information

The payload sent to the customer-provided URL has a common structure regardless of the event type. Events are sent asynchronously in small batches - a single payload may contain multiple events.

    A sample event for consent authorization for the AU OB region is as follows:
               "applicationDisplayName":"Sample application name",
                     "name":"John Doe Accountant",
                     "name":"John Doe Lawyers",
               "providerName":"CDR Sandbox",
                     "title":"Your Account Details",
                        "Name of account",
                        "Type of account",
                        "Account balance",
                        "Account number",
                        "Interest rates",
                     "title":"Your Account Transactions for the Last 90 Days",
                        "Details of your incoming transactions",
                        "Details of your outgoing transactions",
                        "Incoming and outgoing transactions",
               "loginName":"login name",
                  "purpose":"Confirmation of your identity and bank account balance for onboarding to our platform",
                  "nonAPName":"Fictional Platform",
                        "description":"Verify your identity",
                        "detail":"We will compare identity details from client and confirm if there is a match with the details provided from your bank. For example, \"Yes, there is an identity match.\""
                  "name":"YDL GROUP AUSTRALIA PTY LTD",

A sample event for consent revocation for the AU OB region is as follows:

               "applicationDisplayName":"Sample application name",
                     "name":"John Doe Accountant",
                     "name":"John Doe Lawyers",
               "providerName":"CDR Sandbox",
                     "title":"Your Account Details",
                        "Name of account",
                        "Type of account",
                        "Account balance",
                        "Account number",
                        "Interest rates",
                     "title":"Your Account Transactions for the Last 90 Days",
                        "Details of your incoming transactions",
                        "Details of your outgoing transactions",
                        "Incoming and outgoing transactions",
               "loginName":"login name",
                  "purpose":"Confirmation of your identity and bank account balance for onboarding to our platform",
                  "nonAPName":"Fictional Platform",
                        "description":"Verify your identity",
                        "detail":"We will compare identity details from client and confirm if there is a match with the details provided from your bank. For example, \"Yes, there is an identity match.\""
                  "name":"YDL GROUP AUSTRALIA PTY LTD",
    A sample event payload for the AU OB region is as follows:
               "applicationDisplayName":"Sample application name",
                     "name":"John Doe Accountant",
                     "name":"John Doe Lawyers",
               "providerName":"CDR Sandbox",
                  "purpose":"Confirmation of your identity and bank account balance for onboarding to our platform",
                  "nonAPName":"Fictional Platform",
                        "description":"Verify your identity",
                        "detail":"We will compare identity details from client and confirm if there is a match with the details provided from your bank. For example, \"Yes, there is an identity match.\""
                  "name":"YDL GROUP AUSTRALIA PTY LTD",
                     "title":"Your Account Details",
                        "Name of account",
                        "Type of account",
                        "Account balance",
                        "Account number",
                        "Interest rates",
                     "title":"Your Account Transactions for the Last 90 Days",
                        "Details of your incoming transactions",
                        "Details of your outgoing transactions",
                        "Incoming and outgoing transactions",
               "loginName":"login name",

Note: All timestamps are in universal coordinated time (UTC).

Event Attributes NameDescription
dataAccessFrequencyThe frequency, RECURRING or ONE_TIME, at which the system will access user data as part of the account refresh process. Frequency as applicable to the OB-supported region.
consentIdThe unique identifier for each user-consent.
renewal.defaultRenewalDurationThe renewal duration for a given consent. This attribute is available only for the UK, EU, and AU OB consent.
renewal.isReauthorizationRequiredIndicates if renewing the consent is required. This attribute is available only for the UK, EU, and AU OB consent.
providerIdThe unique identifier for the provider resource associated with the consent. This ID indicates the provider for which the provider account ID is generated by the user. This ID can be dereferenced using the Get Providers API.
providerNameThe name of the service provider or the institution of the provider resource associated with the consent. This is made available via the Get Accounts API
loginNameThe username of the logged in user.
consentStatusThe consent status, as applicable to the relevant open banking region. Possible values are, REVOKED, ACTIVE, PENDING, and EXPIRED.
providerAccountIdThe unique identifier for the provider account resource associated with a consent. The ID is created during the account addition process and is made available via the Get Accounts API.
scope.titleBodyText that will be displayed as the titlebody of the consent data cluster.
scope.scopeIdA unique identifier of the data cluster scope.
scope.titleText that will be displayed as the title of the particular scope.
providerConsentIdUnique internal identifier for the consent and is made available via the Get Provider Accounts API.
applicationDisplayNameThe OB application name that will be displayed to the end user.
startDateThe start date of the consent period.
startDateTimeThe consent start date and time, along with the timezone.
expirationDateThe date the refresh token expires, and the customer has to renew the access before it expires.
expirationDateTimeThe consent expiration date and time, along with the timezone. This attribute is available only for the UK, EU, and AU OB consents.
previousExpirationDateTimeThe previous consent expiration date and time, along with the timezone. This attribute is available for the UK, EU, and AU OB consents where the consent has been renewed at least once. This attribute will not be available for the consents created before September 2023 unless the consents are renewed.
revokedDateThe date the consent was revoked date. This attribute is available only when the consentStatus is REVOKED.
revokedDateTimeThe consent revoked date and time along with timezone. This attribute is available only when the consentStatus is REVOKED.
openBankingRegionIndicates the OB region, i.e., US, UK, EU, or AU.
notificationIdUnique identifier for the notification.
infoThe info attribute value will either be OB_CONSENT.CONSENT_CHANGES or OB_CONSENT.OB_ACTIVE_CONSENT_REMINDER.

The hard deletion preference value for a consent. This attribute is available only for the AU OB consents. The valid values are as follows:

  • 0 – The user has not selected the Delete my data instead toggle on the Consent screen.
  • 1 – The user has selected the Delete my data instead toggle on the Consent screen. The platform will consider this value as hard deletion enabled for the consent.
  • 2 – The ADR customer has their deletion policy specified as part of OB application onboarding (or) the consent belongs to the CDR model opted OB application. The platform will consider this value as hard deletion enabled for the consent.
clientTrustedAdvisorThe list of Trusted Advisors opted by the user. The clientTrustedAdvisor list is available in the webhook response only if the Trusted Advisors feature is enabled and the user has given consent by selecting the Trusted Advisors on the customer side. This attribute is available only for the AU OB consents.
businessUserDetailThe details of the business user such as name, verification datetime, ABN, and status of the ABN. The businessUserDetail is available in the webhook response only if the Business User Disclosure feature is enabled. This attribute is available only for the AU OB consents.
cdrlnsightsDisclosureThe list of CDR Insights opted by the user. The cdrlnsightsDisclosure list is available in the webhook response only if the CDR Insight disclosure consent feature is enabled and the user has selected insights and provided consent to share insights. This attribute is available only for the AU OB consents.