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Parameters to Launch FastLink Deeplink Flows

Deeplink Flows FastLink 4 FastLink 3 FastLink 2
Add flow=add flow=add flow=add
providerId=xxx providerId=xxx siteId=xxx
groupId=xxx NA NA
configName=xxx dataset={} NA
routingNumber=xxx routingNumber=xxx NA
Edit flow=edit flow=edit flow=edit
providerAccountId=xxx providerAccountId=xxx siteAccountId=xxx
configName=xxx dataset={} NA
Refresh flow=refresh flow=refresh flow=refresh
providerAccountId=xxx providerAccountId=xxx siteAccountId=xxx
configName=xxx dataset={} NA
Add Manual Account flow=addManual flow=manual flow=manual
configName=xxx NA NA
Add Real Estate Account flow=addRealEstate flow=realestate flow=realestate
configName=xxx NA NA
Edit Manual Account flow=editManual flow=editManual flow=editManual
accountId=xxx itemAccountId=xxxx itemAccountId=xxxx
container=xxx container=xxx container=xxx
configName=xxx NA NA
NA siteAccountId=xxx siteAccountId=xxx
Edit Real Estate flow=editRealEstate NA NA
Balance Refresh flow=balanceRefresh dataset={} NA
configName=xxx NA
providerAccountId=xxx providerAccountId=xxx